Commodities Trading

Go long and short on a wide selection of commodities commission-free

Learn What Are Commodities?

Hard commodities are items that can be mined or extracted, such as energy and metals. Natural resources and typically cultivable agricultural goods are referred to as soft commodities.

Commodities can be traded, just like financial assets. Futures contracts can be used to trade both soft and hard commodities, such as wheat, corn, and soybeans, as well as hard commodities like gold, oil, and platinum.

Explore your options today on one of our platforms and learn how commodities can diversify your portfolio.

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Trading commodities on AS-HOM

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Trading Oil with AS-HOM GLOBAL

Trading Commodities with AS-HOM

Here’s why thousands of traders around the world choose to trade Commodities with us.

Innovative platform
Our cutting-edge AS-HOM platform is the platform that best meets your needs.

World-class support
Our multi-lingual support team is here to assist you with all your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via email, telephone, and live chat
