Forex Trading

Trade the world’s largest financial market with spreads from as low as 0 pips

Learn how to trade forex

Currency prices are constantly moving offering numerous trading opportunities on a daily basis. In forex, currencies are listed in pairs, e.g. EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY. Unlike the price of commodities and shares, the forex market neither goes up nor down. What really happens is that the price of one currency moves up or down in relation to another.

The most common terms in forex trading are buy and sell, or going long and short. However, when you trade forex online, you are neither buying nor selling real currency. All you do is placing a bet on the direction in which a currency pair will move.

The amount of money made or lost on a trade depends on the market move and the size of your position. At AS-HOM GLOBAL, you can trade major, minor and exotic forex pairs with no minimum deposit requirement for a Standard account and just $200 for a AS-HOM GLOBAL account and up to 1:400 leverage.

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Trading Forex on AS-HOM

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Trading Forex with AS-HOM GLOBAL

Trading Forex with AS-HOM

Here’s why thousands of traders around the world choose to trade Forex with us.

Innovative platform

Our cutting-edge AS-HOM platform is the platform that best meets your needs.

World-class support

Our multi-lingual support team is here to assist you with all your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via email, telephone, and live chat.

     About Forex
