What is Forex?

Forex For Beginners

Forex trading, also referred to as currency or FX trading, entails trading currencies and making predictions about changes in currency prices over a specific time frame. One currency is bought or sold against another by traders. The variations in exchange rates between a currency pair will benefit you as a trader. You make predictions about whether a currency’s value will increase or decrease in relation to another currency, such as the US dollar.

With daily currency trades worth more than $5 trillion USD, the forex market has the highest trading volume in the entire world. Because of this, the market is very active and highly liquid. Due to this liquidity, exchange rates can react quickly to news from the market, political situations, and significant economic events. Forex traders can profit from these market influences by trading because the currency markets are a strong reflection of the political and economic developments associated with different regions.

How Forex Trading Works?

A forex position is always quoted in pairs of currencies, like GBP/USD(also known as cable). You must pay attention to changes in the exchange rates of the two currencies if you want to make money. The base currency is the initial unit of exchange. Forex trades make predictions about how it will change in relation to the quote currency.

You make a prediction about the market’s future direction when you open a trading position. Depending on which way you believe the value of the currency will move, you either open a buying (long) or selling (short) position. The strengthening and weakening of the value of the currencies has an impact on price changes in the forex market.

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Margined Product

Margin or leverage is used in forex trading. Simply put, this means that while you can only invest a small amount of money when trading, you can use leverage to trade a much larger amount of money. Any gains or losses made with leveraged money are also amplified. Therefore, it’s crucial to develop effective risk management skills.

The Currency Pairs

There are hundreds of different currencies in use today, and they are frequently divided into three major groups according to their popularity and liquidity. The majors, minors, and exotics are listed here.

Majors – The most liquid or most actively traded currencies.

Majors account for 85% of the total volume traded in forex markets. At AS-HOM GLOBAL, our spreads on majors are tighter than the spreads of minor or less traded currency pairs.

Minors – Not as heavily traded like the majors and often more volatile.

Spreads for minor pairs are also typically wider because of the medium sized market liquidity compared to the major pairs.

Exotics – Exotic currency pairs are traded more rarely.

Because of their low trading volume, the currencies are not considered liquid. They tend to be more costly to trade because of the wider spreads and traders add them to their trading due to their higher risk/reward profile.

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Forces That Move The Forex Markets

Supply and demand largely dictate price changes in the forex markets, just like they do in the majority of other financial markets. Banks and other major investors want to pour money into strong economies.

A country’s currency would be in higher demand if positive news about the nation reached the markets, encouraging investors to invest more.

The higher demand will cause the price to rise if there isn’t an equal rise in the currency’s supply. Likewise, negative news can deter investors from investing. The price of the currency will consequently decrease as a result. One could argue that the state of a nation’s economy is reflected in its currency.
