Indices Trading

Take positions on global indices from just 0.4 points

How to Trade Indices?

An index, which is composed of a collection of shares, is used to monitor the performance of a market sector, an exchange, or a nation’s economy.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, FTSE, DAX, ASX200, NASDAQ, CAC, EuroStoxx, and Nikkei 225 are the indices that are traded the most.

Indices can’t be traded directly because they are just numbers. For that, a financial tool like CFDs is required. In fact, indices trading is the most popular form of CFD trading.

The market movement and the size of your position determine how much money you will make or lose on a trade. By opening a live account with AS-HOM today, you can begin trading indices in just a few minutes.

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Trading Indices on AS-HOM

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Trading Indices with AS-HOM

Here’s why thousands of traders around the world choose to trade Indices with us.

Innovative platform
Our cutting-edge AS-HOM platform is the platform that best meets your needs.

World-class support
Our multi-lingual support team is here to assist you with all your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via email, telephone, and live chat.
